RE: manuals without chapter numbers

Subject: RE: manuals without chapter numbers
From: Kay Robart <kay -dot- robart -at- integratedconcepts -dot- com>
To: "McIntosh, Cathleen" <Cathleen -dot- McIntosh -at- vistacpg -dot- com>, TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 08:30:23 -0600

This wasn't what you asked, but keep in mind that most likely these
updates, if you are talking about chapters that users have to insert
in binders, are most likely sitting in a pile on the floor in the user's
or system administrator's office. My last company used to provide
updates, but we switched to send out whole manuals because we knew
the updates weren't proving effective.

If your company has a web site, it may make more sense to post updated
PDFs on the web and let customers download the whole manual or the
parts they need.

Kay Robart

> My coworker and I are trying to come up with a way to provide multiple
> clients with updates to our user guide. The problem is that each client
> receives a version of the same book, but renumbering the book chapters is
> always necessary, which is time-consuming. So my coworker had the ideal of
> eliminating the chapter numbering and implement a naming convention for
> sections instead. This would actually work quite well if we want to use
> the
> source files to create online help. The only problem I see this causing is
> in the index, where page numbers and entries would be convoluded. So our
> idea is to use an appreviation for the section name in place of the
> chapter
> number in the index. Then we could provide a legend at the bottom of each
> page in the index for quick reference.
> Thanks for any input,
> Cathleen McIntosh
> cathleen -dot- mcintosh -at- vistacpg -dot- com

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