Web publication style

Subject: Web publication style
From: Robert Courtney <bobsc1 -at- earthlink -dot- net>
To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTS -dot- TECHWR-L -dot- COM
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 09:21:29 -0700

I have a question about web publication styles. I am looking for
terminology for describing web applications and the windows they reside.
Such as the Manual of Style from Microsoft. There they describe all the
things you need to write about. What the window looks like and what each
area of the window is called.

Such as the left navigation tree on the window and the right being the
main display window. Is there a correct, acceptable name for these
areas? What are the items in the navigation tree called?

I am looking for a document that tells me what all these items are
called. A standard to follow.

Does anyone know of such a reference?


Robert Courtney
Technical Writer
PDSI â Principal Decision Systems International
O: (800) 850-7374 ext 1283
F: (714) 703-3000
E: robertcourtney -at- pdsi-software -dot- com


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