Re: Who gets the magic scepter when there are three of it?

Subject: Re: Who gets the magic scepter when there are three of it?
From: Paul Goble <pgcommunication -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 08:22:00 -0500

Another variation is to have the secretary hold the janitor's token in
a lockbox to which the janitor has a key, thus adding a layer of human
authentication for the less-than-perfectly-trusted token holder.

Of course, any such multi-factor authentication system needs to
consider what happens when the CSO and CIO are both involved in, say,
a plane crash when they violate the organization's "no two key people
in one place at one time" rule. An organization this
security-conscious needs to have enough people to hold the split
tokens, AND enough people to act as backups in any conceivable
contingency, AND a plan to activate the backups.

To bring the topic back around to tech writing... Not having worked
with a system quite this secure, I wonder who typically writes the
security policies--the system vendor or the client organization? How
does one write and convey a plan so that the backup people can step
into their roles with a minimum of confusion and delay?

Paul Goble

> 2010/9/27 Jefe de redacción <editorialstandards -at- gmail -dot- com>
>> I had a nice table where I described a system of authentication tokens that
>> should normally be held by different people. We can hardly suggest that the CSO keep one split of
>> his token, give one to his secretary, one to the janitor...

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