Re: Adobe TCS users, please raise your hands.

Subject: Re: Adobe TCS users, please raise your hands.
From: Bill Swallow <techcommdood -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: Sue Jones <suej_be -at- yahoo -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 09:55:40 -0400

I'm happy to help answer any questions you might have. I've used TCS,
and translation is what my company does. :-)

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Sue Jones <suej_be -at- yahoo -dot- com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> this is a message to anyone using the Adobe TCS. I have been going through the
> online tutorial and come to a couple of glitches that drew me to a halt. I've
> ordered a copy of the tutorial dvd, but this will take a while to arrive.
> Sooo...
> Is there anyone in the Netherlands (or Europe generally) using this tool who
> wouldn't mind answering some questions? I've recently joined a company that has
> been using Help & Manual and I want to switch to the TCS. I have used FM for
> many years (20+) and need an especially smooth transition on the
> help/translation side. I would appreciate hearing from anyone with (good or bad)
> experience in that area. You can also email me directly at
> susan -dot- baars -at- axtension -dot- com
> If anyone knows of any other trainings/tutorials for the suite, I'd love to hear
> about those as well. I would even be interested in a one-on-one training if
> there is a ready, willing and able trainer out there.
> Thanks for any and all help.
> Sue.
> "To achieve greatness...start where you are, use what you have, do what you
> can." Arthur Ashe.
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Bill Swallow

Twitter: @techcommdood

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Adobe TCS users, please raise your hands.: From: Sue Jones

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