RE: Word 2007 image issue

Subject: RE: Word 2007 image issue
From: "Monique Semp" <monique -dot- semp -at- earthlink -dot- net>
To: "Heather Anderson" <Heather -dot- Anderson -at- cubrc -dot- org>, "Gene Kim-Eng" <techwr -at- genek -dot- com>, "techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 11:48:28 -0700

First thing I'd do is change the workflow from copy-paste images to Insert

(And in Word 2007, it's easy to extract all the images: just copy the .DOCX
file to .ZIP, open the newly-created ZIP in WinZip, and extract all the
desired images to your directory.)

It's the copy-paste that may be causing some of this because Word can
interpret the formatting many ways: from the source para, from the
destination para, and I think it may even depend on whether the destination
location is within any sort of (bulleted or numbered) list. These options
are controlled in the Word Options > Advanced > Cut, copy, and Paste
section. But try as I might, even setting these as I think I want them
often results in surprises anyway. And it may be that the picture's layout
options are somehow being carried along when you do the copy/paste.

I've found that I can virtually eliminate these sorts of things by *not*
using copy/paste for images. I have every image file on my disk, and then
use Insert > Picture to put it in the doc. And when I do that, the
paragraphs settings seem to "stick".

Interested to hear other's approaches,


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