Re: Should STC be on this list? Yes.

Subject: Re: Should STC be on this list? Yes.
From: sanders_j -at- TBOSCH -dot- DNET -dot- GE -dot- COM
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 10:11:32 EDT

Hi All,

>Even large companies are questioning the cost of the STC conference,
>especially with the luke-warm reviews given this year's conference.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd like to know more facts before I
issue a judgement on the Conference. Has there been a clear presentation of
Conference costs, with a diagram of how the fees are used to drive these costs
and how much goes into the general fund. In fact, I would like to see a run-
down of the STC costs in general. Am I right in thinking this has shown up in
the Journal sometime? (Could anyone point out the issue?)

Is the STC a non-profit or not-for-profit organization? I was under the
impression it was when I signed up. Also, do the officers of the STC receive
any sort of compensation? I may be running over old territory here, but I can't
recall seeing any of this information, and I don't have old issues here at
work. (Stupid me.)

While the STC and its members have been extremely helpful in resolving and
defining my career, and in forming ideas about the nature of communication,
there seem to be some major concerns out there about how the organization is
currently functioning. This is an excellent forum for hammering out, with
facts and figures, exactly what is wrong, and what can be done to change it.
Then we can all start writing some letters and talking to people in the local

After all, we're paying the dues.

-John Sanders-

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