Re: Getting that degree

Subject: Re: Getting that degree
From: Alexandra Bernstein <ABERNSTE -at- UA1VM -dot- UA -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 18:35:41 CST

IMHO - this is getting tangential, but where I went to school we
had to have sports credits, and I believe it was because the
school thought it had a responsibility to encourage fitness, and
therefore, good health. I was quite unathletic when I got there
and was glad to be motivated into trying different sports. I
tried sailing, skiing, squash, and horse-back riding. (YIKES -
should horse-back riding be hyphenated?) It seems a responsible
thing to ensure that any adult who passes from the school hass
at least had a swimming lesson or can swim. It may not fall
under the heading of academic matters, but education is obtained
through many means, and most of us at 18 years of age could use
some guidance.

| Alexandra N. Bernstein ! ABERNSTE -at- UA1VM -dot- UA -dot- EDU |
| Simulation & Gaming ! Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA |
| 308-C Cedar Crest Apts. ! tel 205-752-0690 |
| (Insert something clever here) |

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