note for techwr-l

Subject: note for techwr-l
From: Michele Berkes 615-576-2352 <BERKESM -at- A1 -dot- OSTI -dot- GOV>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 09:29:00 -0400

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Content-type: MESSAGE/RFC822

Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 09:17:00 EDT
From: "Michele Berkes"
Subject: note for techwr-l
Posting-date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 00:00:00 EDT

A colleague of mine who works for a DOE GOCO here (and who
doesn't have direct access to the 'net) is moving to Washington,
DC, and would like to query the good folk of techwr-l. Question:
what to expect in the job market there--narrow/broad, up/down;
what leads/resources to develop; what advice would locals give?

Colleague has several years' experience in many facets of
editing, writing, publishing, and freelancing, in mostly
engineering fields and recently with environmental engineering/
research. Has contacted WDC STC employment, signed w/Washington
Independent Writers, religious w/the Post, getting a (recent)
copy of directories of associations. Capable w/dtp, willing to do
entry-level work for specific experience.

If anyone out there has any insights/advice/job leads to offer,
please send them to me and I will forward.

Thanks from both of us for your help!
Michele Berkes
berkesm -at- a1 -dot- osti -dot- gov

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