Re: Diskussion

Subject: Re: Diskussion
From: Robert Bononno <bononno -at- ACF2 -dot- NYU -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 21:50:30 -0400

OK. So it's been vacillating back and forth and has temporarily settled
into the disk/disc groove and been solidified by a trademark. I wonder if
there's an ANSI or ASTM paper on this terminology?

Well, it has the advantage of enabling the reader to quickly
differentiate between the two categories. I suppose that's a plus. I
wonder which came first? I should check this.

Robert Bononno /// Techline
bononno -at- acf2 -dot- nyu -dot- edu
CIS 73670,1570

On Fri, 22 Apr 1994, Mark Levinson wrote:

> I've noticed that there are two spelling for the word disk: disk and
> disc. I read somewhere that you should only use the latter (disc) when
> describing laser discs and CD-ROMS.

> ** Originally it was a coin-toss. I recall switching from "disk" to
> "disc" when I switched from writing about Control Data hardware to
> writing about Hewlett-Packard hardware. Or was it the other way
> around?

> The invention of diskettes caused a big swing toward "disk" because
> no one wants to write about "discettes".

> But there's a graphical trademark for the standard laser disc
> technology (used both in musical CDs and in CD-ROMs) and that
> trademark features the "disc" spelling. Curiously, it's strongly
> reminiscent of the trademark of the Kodak disc camera, which--
> rather like the musical CD-- was based on the idea that the masses
> would appreciate the reduced need for carefulness and only
> the cranks would notice the reduction in quality.

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