Test Sites Wanted

Subject: Test Sites Wanted
From: Susan Gallagher <73531 -dot- 137 -at- COMPUSERVE -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 18:31:30 EDT

I'm looking for documentation groups to beta test a version control software
product that handles all Windows application files (Word, WordPerfect, Excel,
PowerPoint, etc.).

The product is currently released as a programmer's version control product and
is popular with the Visual Basic crowd. The released product is "written by
geeks for geeks" so it's relatively ugly, but the underlying code is stable. My
team is modifying the user interface to appeal to a more general audience.

It's easy to use and does not require an administrator so "time overhead" is
minimal. I'll be asking beta sites to provide feedback on interface design and
to assess the "completeness" of the function set as it relates to doc groups.

I'm not a list subscriber (now -- but I was, and hope to be again), so posting a
response won't work. You can contact me by replying to this message, or call me
at (714) 442-4458 or write to me at the address below.

Thanks for the consideration.

Susan Gallagher, Technical Writer
StarBase Corporation
18872 MacArthur Drive, Suite 400
Irvine, CA 92715

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