Re: Smiley Punctuation

Subject: Re: Smiley Punctuation
From: Katharine M Schommer <scho0106 -at- GOLD -dot- TC -dot- UMN -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 21:05:46 GMT

>Does the smiley go inside the punctuation 8-)?
>Or does it go outside? 8-)

My vote is for outside, as the puncutation can easily get lost way out
there on the end.

Another question: when using a smiley at the end of a parenthetical
remark, is another paren necessary? (this is an example :-) (this is
another example :-)) I've seen it rendered both ways.

This may be trivial stuff, but I like to think of it as being in on the
ground floor of creating a new language. (And what's the correct spelling
of smiley/smilie anyway? :-})

Kate Schommer | Obey gravity.
scho0106 -at- gold -dot- tc -dot- umn -dot- edu | It's the law.
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities |

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