Ms. vs Mrs. or whatever . . .

Subject: Ms. vs Mrs. or whatever . . .
From: "(RICHARD FRAMPTON (415) 472-3100 X3413 (FRAMPTONR%RIVER -dot- DECNET -at- CANADA -dot- CA -dot- CCH -dot- COM))" <FRAMPTONR%RIVER -dot- decnet -at- CANADA -dot- CA -dot- CCH -dot- COM()()>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 18:51:00 EST

in medias res . . . Dictionaries only *report* usage. They do not *legislate*

Richard Frampton
San Rafael, California
framptonr%river -dot- decnet -at- canada -dot- ca -dot- cch -dot- com
(415) 472-3100 x3413

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