ASI-SoCal Fall Conference, 08/10/94

Subject: ASI-SoCal Fall Conference, 08/10/94
From: Bonny McLaughlin <MCLAUGHB -at- CGSVAX -dot- CLAREMONT -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 11:18:35 -0700

American Society of Indexers
Southern California Chapter presents...

Your Future in Indexing

ASI-SoCal's First Annual Fall Conference

For Immediate Release
Monday, July 18, 1994

Contact: Anne Leach, (818) 963-1895 in California

To "specialize" or not to specialize? That is a question facing
information handlers as we face a future of rapidly changing
technologies--the electronic library, full-text searching, document
delivery, and "automatic" indexing. What effects will these innovations
have on our professional lives? This all-day meeting will address
concerns of indexers, technical writers, academics, medical and legal
librarians, and other information professionals. Four panels of experts
will answer questions regarding the shape and availability of work,
training opportunities, marketing options, and special problems and
solutions, in four key areas: technical documentation, medicine, law,
and scholarly works. Additionally, there will be a discussion by
experts and publishers of electronic and CD-ROM documents,
presenting a vision of our online future.

Costa Mesa will be the site of this seminar--ASI-SoCal's first annual
Fall Conference--to be held Saturday, October 8, 1994, at the Westin
South Coast Plaza Hotel.
We've scheduled this first annual conference for the Columbus Day
three-day weekend, so why not plan to make it a holiday for yourself
and your family? You'll have a chance to rub elbows with other
professionals, and be able to have some Southern California fun
besides. The Westin South Coast Plaza is 20 minutes from Disneyland,
five minutes from Orange County's John Wayne Airport (free
transportation to the hotel) and you can walk to the South Coast
Repertory Theater and the Orange Counter Performing Arts Center,
take stroll in the sculpture garden, and shop-til-you-drop at the famous
South Coast Plaza mall.

The registration fee for all the conference seminars and lunch is $65
for ASI members ($75 for non-members) if paid by September 15.
After September 15, the fee is $70 ($80). To register, send your check,
payable to ASI-SoCal, to ASI Conference c/o Jim Parish, 4338 Gentry
Avenue #1, Studio City, CA 91604. To reserve a room at the Westin,
call 1-800-228-3000 and ask for the special American Society of
Indexers' Friday-Saturday-Sunday package rate of $89 per day. The
direct number for the Westin South Coast Plaza is 1-714-540-2500.

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