Re[2]: Why we'll never be paperless

Subject: Re[2]: Why we'll never be paperless
From: "Arlen P. Walker" <Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 12:16:00 -0500

Even with my lack of artistry with Photoshop, I've managed to
make myself into a pretty convincing Pope and Han Solo. Can you imagine
the mess if evidentiary photographs were stored exclusively on computer?

Digital fakes can be spotted, much the same as real photo fakes are spotted. The
shadows, the sudden, pixel-wide, color changes. It's not really that hard to
spot most of them. Admittedly, a very, very good artist could tamper with a
photo in Photoshop nearly undetectably, but the same level of artist could just
as easily fake a real photo.

Digital files have a very simple level of protection which paper doesn't allow.
A CRC or other such value can be computed for a file, and stored separately.
While that isn't foolproof, it certainly carries more assurance of security than
a sealed envelope.

Have fun,
Chief Managing Director In Charge, Department of Redundancy Department

Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- Com
In God we trust; all others must provide data.

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