Re: question about mai

Subject: Re: question about mai
From: Joyce Flaherty <flahertj -at- SMTPGW -dot- LIEBERT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 14:15:17 EST

Surely someone on this list can answer Timothy's question.

Surely someone on this list has nothing better to do today.

Surely someone on this list knows why Timothy sent this question
to this list.

Surely someone on this list can calculate the probability of
someone on this list caring - use imaginary numbers!


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: question about mai
Author: timothy -at- ESKIMO -dot- COM at INTERNET
Date: 2/1/95 11:05 AM

What happens to mail that is sent to a company with no forwarding name or
department. EXAMPLE: lets say a brochure is sent to company. On the
envelope, just the comany and address are provided, does the person
opening the mail forward it the best they can, or do they toss it?


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