Re: Writing Platform

Subject: Re: Writing Platform
From: "Dodge, Merrill SLC" <MDodge -at- SLCPO2 -dot- SLC -dot- UNISYS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 09:48:00 MST

I'm currently trying Adobe Acrobat .PDF as a new output format. I can take
Postscript printer output of any Windows program and create and on-line
document that prints out on any printer (not just Postscript) as faithfully
as the printed book. I can also put in hyperlinking, thumbnail navigation
pages, bookmarks, and the inline graphics are beautiful. PDF files can be
sent (along with the FREE reader) to Mac, DOS, Windows and Unix sytems...all
just as faithfully renderd as on the originating platform. Anyone else out
there using it?

Merrill Dodge
gmd -at- unislc -dot- slc -dot- unisys -dot- com

To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: Re: Writing Platform
Date: Tuesday, February 14, 1995 9:14AM

>Fellow writers,
>I would like to know what program(s) y'all use to create documentation. We

Windows NT, Microsoft Word, and Robohelp. Good combination!

dsbailey -at- ingr -dot- com

Douglas S. Bailey, Technical Writer
System Software Documentation
Intergraph Corporation
Huntsville, AL 35894-0001

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