Re: Semantics and considerate usage

Subject: Re: Semantics and considerate usage
From: Joyce Flaherty <flahertj -at- SMTPGW -dot- LIEBERT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 Jun 1995 20:58:06 EST

If you enjoyed Arlen's message, consider the book:

*The Sky is the Limit" Dr Wayne Dyer
paperback, still in print, $6.95

The good doctor maintains that it is not what happens to
you that makes you what you are, but rather how you deal with
what happens to you.


You cannot control what people do or say to you, but you can
control how you react to what people do or say to you.


The one thing you can absolutely control is your own mind.

and so forth.

The book is a self-help book from a time when such books
were very popular. The doctor has a gift with words.

enjoy (if this is your thing), joyce


Arlen Walker, 6/7/95


We can't control what other people do or say. There will be nasty people trying
to stop us from being happy forever. It's part of life. We can't control them.
But we *can* control our reaction to them. And only by doing that will we ever
achieve progress. Progress is never made by restraining others, but only by
advancing ourselves.

<stepping off soapbox, and folding portable pulpit>

To relate this back to the list. Yes, by all means, try not to offend people in
your writing. But don't be surprised if they take offense anyway; as sure as the
sun rises, some will. You can't control their reaction, only your own. Weigh the
claim of offense for yourself. They could be right. But they might not be.
Examine it, look at it, and yourself, closely. Some claims will be reasonable.
Correct yourself when they are. But don't be afraid to refuse the unreasonable

Have fun,
Chief Managing Director In Charge, Department of Redundancy Department
DNRC 124

Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- Com
In God we trust; all others must provide data.

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