Re: writing styles for various pc types/interfaces

Subject: Re: writing styles for various pc types/interfaces
From: "Price, Becca" <ncr02!bprice -at- NCR02 -dot- ATTMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 10:19:00 -0500


There is a Microsoft "house style," and a Microsoft style guide (I forget
the exact name, but I'm pretty sure it's commercially available). There is
also an Apple style guide. You should use these if you are writing for
Apple or Microsoft (but be careful not to mix them up! <g>). Otherwise,
there is simply an issue of what people are used to.

OTOH, I think that the way you'd approach documenting a Mac or Windows
application would be very different from the way you'd approach a Mainframe
or UNIX application, just by virtue of the differences between text-based
interfaces and gui.
From: William -dot- Hartzer -at- emc2-tao -dot- fisc -dot- com
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.techwr-l
Subject: Grammar Question: Ensure or Make

Also, is there such a thing as a writing style that must be used whenever
Windows PC software products are being documented? This developer claims
that this Windows PC software product writing style is MUCH different than
writing style I'm supposed to use when documenting an IBM Mainframe product
or even a Macintosh software product.

What do you think? Let me know via private e-mail about the grammar
but I think the 'writing style' topic is appropriate for posting to the

Bill Hartzer
Technical Writer
Fischer International Systems Corporation
Naples, Florida USA

<William -dot- Hartzer -at- EMC2-TAO -dot- FISC -dot- COM>
"The Mac is NOT a toy."

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