1996 Region 7 STC Conference Theme

Subject: 1996 Region 7 STC Conference Theme
From: Marj Hermansen <MARJ_HERMANSEN -at- NOVELL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 11:46:48 -0700

The Intermountain Chapter of the Society for Technical
Communication is pleased to announce

"Expanding Horizons: Pioneering Technical Communication
in the 21st Century"

Scheduled for October 31, November 1 & 2, 1996 in Salt
Lake City, Utah, this conference promises to provide
today's technical communicator with critical tools to
advance our field into the 21st century.

The conference will feature sessions on WWW Publishing,
Online documentation solutions, Graphics in documentation,
Human Computer Interaction and Interface Design issues,
Education and Certification programs available for technical
communicators, Marketing issues relative to independent
consulting/contracting, and many others.

The Chapter Leaders Workshop is scheduled for Sunday
morning, November 3.

Call for Presenters information will be available in early
January, 1996. Registration forms and preliminary program
are scheduled to be released in July, 1996.

We hope you'll plan to join us in Utah in 1996. We'll combine
our Region 7 Celebration of Technical Communication in the
21st Century with Utah's State Centennial Celebration.

If you have questions about the conference or would like to
volunteer to serve on a conference committee, please
contact Marj Hermansen (marj hermansen -at- novell -dot- com) or
John Eldard (jeldard -at- aol -dot- com).

See you in Utah in '96!

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