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Subject:Re: HTML editors I have known--one fleetingly... From:Sally Yeo <sallyyeo -at- EXECPC -dot- COM> Date:Thu, 4 Apr 1996 07:41:15 -0600
I like WebEdit from because it automates many
functions while leaving you close to the code for manual work when you
need it.
HotDog from has an additional feature to those
you listed which I truely value. It is the only package I know which
gives you the ability to do mass updates to all files in a directory. We
wrote a macro in Word to do this (via Internet Assistant), but we have
been using HotDog's more than ours.
HotMetal verifies your code, which is good, except that it is way behind
in HTML 3 and Netscape extensions. It totally chokes on frames.
I am waiting patiently for PageMill's windows version. The current (Mac)
version has received such great reviews that I am hoping the Windows
version will be as good.