Re: Agencies/markup/etc.

Subject: Re: Agencies/markup/etc.
From: "Eric J. Ray" <ejray -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 06:35:50 -0600

Sue (and all),

>Can we please discontinue talking about agencies and markups? And can
>we please stop dis'sing KTI? None of this has any relevance at all any

Unless I've missed something, the discussion meandered away from
KTI quite some time ago. I think that discussions of agencies/rates/etc.,
while they shouldn't be a staple of this list, are appropriate in moderation.
For many of us (some sooner than they'd have hoped), working with agencies and
freelancing is a fact of economic life. Thus far (with the exception of
some market economy proselytizing) the discussions have
been fairly close to technical communication and have yielded some
interesting points.

>certainly has nothing to do with writing.

But has something to do with the business of technical communication.
This discussion fits my criteria of 1) addressing issues of concern to
many technical communicators and 2) not being readily addressed through
other forums.

As I said, agencies and markup shouldn't be a primary focus of
the list, but it's not inappropriate. Slamming agencies etc. continues
to be quite uncalled for.


Eric J. Ray ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com
TECHWR-L Listowner

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