Re: Who are we?

Subject: Re: Who are we?
From: John Posada <jposada -at- NOTES -dot- CC -dot- BELLCORE -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 20:08:26 -0400

In my group, there are 4 men, 2 women, and my boss is a woman. The group I do
the work for has 3 women and 3 men.

Seems pretty 50/50 to me.

John Posada
jposada -at- notes -dot- cc -dot- bellcore -dot- com

>I was told that the US Bureau of Statistics gives the
>figures as 50/50.

No _way_ that's true anymore. My whole technical writing experience has
been one dominated by women at every level--except managerial.

>Tim Alton wrote:
>I find it a little hard to believe that a professional dominated
>almost three-quarters by females could have a pattern of discrimination
>against them.

I didn't see this comment before.
The workforce may be 75% women (in my personal experience it has been
more like 85-90% actually) but vice-presidents in charge of whole
department are almost always men.
I have noticed that the technical writers themselves are women mostly,
their bosses/managers/etc. are women, but the VPs are men, and it's from
the VPs that the discrimination stems.
There is still a glass ceiling in places and it continually frustrates
me to see it going on.

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