Re: Information Engineer

Subject: Re: Information Engineer
From: ipsofac <ipsofac -at- CYBERTOURS -dot- COM>
Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 07:42:50 +0000

Buck & Tilly Buchanan wrote:
> Tami Goodall wrote:
> >
> > exactly how old are you?
> >
> It's quite possible that Dan and I worked together on
> User's Manual for the Wright Flyer
> Buck Buchanan
> writer -at- dhc -dot- net
> Arlington, TX
The English language can be odd. this I think is what makes such an
interesting language. To wit-in the above post, 'exactly how old are
you?' say it all the time and sounds better than 'what's your age?'
I'm not age challenged nor am I folicely challenged but some would
debate the age piece.
Weather "forecast"-in New England that would be accurate-guess would
even be more accurate. My mind always conjures up a swami(sp) with a
cyrstal ball with a crystal ball-never mind a weather map. Overcast-as
opposed to partly cloudy-fair. Could it good, better, or best?
The media? what does that mean?
The term-engineer-that's a laugh if you have worked for a hardware
company. another poster alluded to a legal sense. i'm not sure, But I
will get flamed on this next assertion-There are only three recognized
"professions" Note I did NOT say professionals. Lawyers(everybodys'
favorite-word fabricators-my term), doctors, and accountants.
as i have found out big time-the rush to label everybody with a
professional label can lead to all kinds of bias, disinformation,
non-information, and nonsense. I say this-especially-if one is looking
for a job and your background defies easy categorization.
Or like getting a "Business degree" as a undergraduate degree. That
to mind-not that it matters-is a graduate degree. Not anymore. But
pity if you went to a school not known for its sports but rather-its
academic rigor. Cappy Anderson, York, ME

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