ADMIN: Pre-Christmas Problems

Subject: ADMIN: Pre-Christmas Problems
From: "Eric J. Ray" <ejray -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 08:52:29 -0700


There was some pre-Christmas unpleasantness while
I was on vacation. For those of you who were lucky
enough to miss it, a list member responded personally
and very unkindly to a legitimate post. He's been
reprimanded and further transgressions of the posting
rules will likely result in the loss of posting privileges.
Another list member posted an off-line exchange with
list member 1, including more personal and rude comments
from both sides. She too has been reprimanded and further
transgressions of the posting rules will likely result in the loss
of posting privileges.

List member 1's comments offline to list member 2
are none of my business and I've no comment on them.
They were made public through list member 2's
offtopic and inappropriate post and thus aren't my issue.

Moral 1: Read and follow the posting rules.
Moral 2: Two wrongs don't make a right.
Moral 3: Don't ever post private messages to a public list,
regardless of content.
Moral 4: If you get into an offline exchange with someone
you don't like, just stop responding and delete the
incoming mail. It's all you can do. Don't complain to
the listowner about messages off-list from list members--
I won't get involved in being a nanny, regardless of
the issue at hand or my personal feelings about it.
Moral 5: Don't cause the listowner's mailbox to fill with
complaints if you can help it.
Moral 6: If you have a personal issue with a list member,
either address it offline or get over it.

To everyone who ignored the entire issue and let it
pass uncommented, THANKS! Additionally, to those
who kept me abreast of what goes on offline
(to provide a context for other issues), thanks.


Eric J. Ray ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com
TECHWR-L Listowner

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