Re: Store Files on a Server?

Subject: Re: Store Files on a Server?
From: "Buchholz, Maureen" <MBUCHHOLZ -at- SMHPO1 -dot- HOSP -dot- GOV -dot- BC -dot- CA>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 11:42:00 -0800

When IS informed me they backup only email regularly (case of Big
Brother watching??) and don't have space for everyone's files, I bought
a tape backup. I find I sleep better nites.

From: Tracy Boyington
Subject: Re: Store Files on a Server?
Date: Thursday, January 15, 1998 6:12AM

> To have our files anywhere other than on a server leads me toward
> unreasoning panic!
> Tracy, it sounds like you think using servers is a bad idea. Why?

Just my personal experience, which is apparently the exception and not
the norm.

(1) It's a moot point for me, because we've been told not to store files
on the server -- there's not enough room.

(2) In my case, our server and/or the entire network are much more
likely to go down than my computer. If the network goes down and my
files are on my hard drive, I can continue working -- if not, it's
thumb-twiddling time. If my files are on my hard drive and my computer
goes down, assuming I've been a good girl and made my backups, I can
just move to a different computer.

(3) Someone mentioned version control -- again, in my case, it's the
opposite (if I understood what you meant) because as long as there is
only one copy of my document, and it's on my hard drive, nobody is going
to end up with the wrong version or accidentally delete the only recent
copy (both of which have happened with files on the server).

(4) Our files don't need to be accessible to many people simultaneously
-- in fact, that is likely to cause us problems.

(5) I think our network is still backed up every night (although they
may have switched to 3 or 4 nights/week), but the backups aren't kept
forever, so I don't consider it a replacement for doing my own backups.

(6) I am a control freak who doesn't trust anybody else with the care
and safekeeping of her files. ;-)

I'm not trying to convince anyone to take their files off the network.
I'm just surprised to see I'm the only one who's had these kind of
problems. I guess that's a Good Thing.

who is a member of STC, and finds STC members to be neither more whiny
nor less whiny than members of any other professional organization, but
thinks that if you don't see any benefits to membership, you should not
be a member, and what's the big deal anyway?
Tracy Boyington tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org
Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Stillwater, OK, USA

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