STC question followup

Subject: STC question followup
From: Jill Burgchardt <jburgcha -at- PESTILENCE -dot- ITC -dot- NRCS -dot- USDA -dot- GOV>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:55:21 -0700

Correction: Several members of the Denver, Colorado STC chapter let me know the
meeting time is 7:15 p.m. with SIGs starting at 5:45, not at 5 p.m. as I had

I received many posts from Denver chapter members and former members. Comments
ran the full range from "it's wonderful" to "what a waste." Since they had a
meeting last week, I decided to check it out for myself. The drive (70 miles)
is still a big negative. However, in the progressive style meeting, I did have
an opportunity to get involved in 3 discussion groups directly relevant to my
work. In some of the discussions I learned new things, in others I felt that I
was already on the bleeding edge. Overall, it was a positive first impression.
I'm not quite ready to lay down $110 for membership, but I'll check out a few
more sessions and then decide.

Thanks to all of you who provided me with information.
Jill Burgchardt

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