Re: Font choices

Subject: Re: Font choices
From: "Stephen D. Martin" <smartin -at- STORM -dot- CA>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 08:16:57 -0500

Michael Lewis wrote:

> What most people forget about Times is that, although it's classed as

I suspect that "most people" don't forget anything about Times, but
simply never knew/don't know them. Please try not to forget that most
(in fact, all) people need to learn something before they know it.

Perhaps it's a failing on my part, but I know that amidst the million
and six other things I'm trying to keep track of, or even begin to learn
about, the arcane details of Times didn't exactly make it into my top 10
(or 100 or 1000).

This discussion has made the issue an issue for me, and that's why this
list (and the many worthy books mentioned herein) is (are) so popular,
the older and wiser can pass along the wisdom of the ages to those of us
less fortunate. <grin>

Could anyone recommend some easily digestible resources, in print or on
the net, that would alleviate my typographic ignorance?


Stephen D. Martin
President, Stephen Martin Enterprises

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