Re: Student tech writers listserv

Subject: Re: Student tech writers listserv
From: Bonnie Granat <bgranat -at- LYNX -dot- DAC -dot- NEU -dot- EDU>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 19:18:36 -0500

Thanks to Peter Ring's website:

Topic: Students list on technical writing
Address: majordomo -at- nmt -dot- edu
Message: subscribe stc-list
Comments: A special list for students and teachers of technical
writing, aimed at moving the student's questions from the big
TECHWR-L to a more education oriented environment.

>Hi Folks... Help... Some time ago there was a post on this list
regarding a=
> =
>listserv for students who are studying technical writing.
lost the =
>information... If someone can give me the information, much
Bonnie Granat Technical Writing, Editing, & Consulting

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