Re: The Worst Thing About Contracting

Subject: Re: The Worst Thing About Contracting
From: Sharon Burton-Hardin <sharonburton -at- EMAIL -dot- MSN -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 13:13:27 -0700

I actually wind up billing about 45 - 50 hours a week. And no, I don't bill
like an attorney. I have the constant ethics problem that prevents that sort
of thing... I work in the software industry. Everyone I know in the software
industry generally works these sorts of hours, contract or employee.

I don't get paid for writing proposals. That is my time and I have to eat
that time but there it is. Cost of doing business.

Fortunately, my name and abilities are well known and I haven't looked for
work in several years. It finds me and I have my hands full all the time. So
I don't have much marketing costs. I don't spend time shopping my resume
around, interviewing clients, that sort of thing. I put in a lot of time
over the years to get to this point.

Since I am running a company, and it is mine to do, I really enjoy doing it.
Master of my own ship and all. This is not for everyone to do. Many people
don't want to spend their time doing what I do. And so they shouldn't.


Sharon Burton-Hardin
President of the Inland Empire chapter of the STC
Anthrobytes Consulting
Home of RoboNEWS(tm), the unofficial RoboHELP newsletter
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And then you went...
|As an independent contractor, are you saying that you
|handle billable hours like a lawyer, and don't even fart
|without toting it up?
|Based on your statement, do you, or do you not get paid
|for your time while you market yourself, shop your resume
|around, troll for new contracts, interview, prepare proposals,
|and all that neat stuff that no sane company would really
|want to pay for?

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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