TW Scope document

Subject: TW Scope document
From: "Parker, Cassandra M. (EXCH)" <CMPARKER -at- INTERMEDIA -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 15:12:23 -0400


I solicit your help or opinions on the following, my department is in the
process of creating something that we can give to Project Managers
explaining what a Technical Writer does. We would like to try and change
the image of management from TWs being there to simply write a manual to TWs
being brought in up front in the planning stage and our importance on a
project. So, we thought if we had a document letting them know what we do
and the processes involved, we might very well accomplish this effort.

So far, below are some topics we have been discussing:

1. TW Objectives
2. Roles of the TW
3. What do TW create
4. What is the TW process
5. TW Goals

If any of you can provide any information on these topics or have such a
document, it would be greatly appreciated.

Many times the TW is brought in at the end-tail of a project and asked to
write a manual for the users, without knowing anything about the application
or product.

I work for a Telecommunications company.

Thank you in advance for your replies.
Cassandra Parker
Information Services - Tampa, FL
Applications Delivery - QA
(813) 829-6560
> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~

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