Job offer - Bucharest

Subject: Job offer - Bucharest
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 17:35:46 +0200

POZITIE : Redactor Tehnic

LOC : Bucuresti

DURATA : Nedeterminata

Companie internationala de software, specializata in producerea de aplicatii
CAD/CAM, cauta redactori tehnici, pentru crearea si completarea manualelor
de utilizare ale aplicatiilor, în engleza sau franceza,

- Foarte buna cunoastere a limbilor franceza sau engleza.
- Capacitate de a gasi informatiile si de a le prezenta într-o forma scrisa.
- Foarte buna cunoastere a programului Microsoft Word.
- Experienta in lucrul cu programe de tehnoredactare constituie un atu.


Best regards,

Jeremy WALKER (Technical Writing Department)

P.S. Kindly reply in English or in French to my email address given below.
I shall be away for much of the second half of June - so my appologies in
advance if I am slow to reply to you.

MailTo:JWalker -at- InfoDesignNews -dot- com <MailTo:JWalker -at- InfoDesignNews -dot- com>
Company : Info Design, 61 rue Servan, 75011 Paris, FRANCE <>
Phone : (33-1)
Fax : (33-1)

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000

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