Tools for developing online troubleshooting guides

Subject: Tools for developing online troubleshooting guides
From: Lang Zerner <lang -at- CP -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 14:11:59 -0500

Hi. I'm looking for software to support the development of online
troubleshooting guides. I'll be working with domain experts and extracting
their decision-making process, and I'd like a took that will let me store
the network of decisions and then generate a decision tree system.

Most "expert system" development tools I've found are software libraries
for programmers who want to build standalone tools, or some other system
that requires a significant investment in time or consulting just to get
the tool working.

Surely there is some product that already exists for creating interview-
style online trouble-shooting systems. My goal is to develop an end
product not unlike the online troubleshooters in Windows NT/95/98, but
without having to draw a big map of the decision tree and craft a complex
network of HTML or WinHelp topics by hand.

Many thanks!

Lang Zerner
Information Designer
Critical Path, Inc.

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