Author-it, Learning curves and base practices

Subject: Author-it, Learning curves and base practices
From: Ed Manley <EManley -at- Solutionsplus -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 08:59:36 -0600

Hi Jennifer,

I am in the same place re Author-it; trying to first figure out if it is the
tool of choice and then reducing the learning curve to its essentials.

I am trying to structure a modular documentation management practice and am
looking at basic practices before tools, but it looks like tools are so
intrinsically entwined in this issue that they may in fact drive process. It
looks to me like XML DOCBOOK and Arbortext are promoting one approach, XML
Schema another, Author-it and Documentum yet another, and Structured
Authoring appears to fit none of the I don't know where I am
going from here, except to keep asking questions!

There have been a number of folks both on this list and the DocBooks list
that are in the same place we are - basic exploration; perhaps we can all
collaborate to come up with answers that fit each of our needs.

Let me know if you are interested.


Ed Manley
Senior Business Analyst
Solutions Plus, Inc.
Suite 250
3595 Grandview Parkway
Birmingham, Alabama USA 35244
205-439-5764 Voice
205-439-5769 FAX
emanley -at- solutionsplus -dot- com

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