Re: minimal manuals

Subject: Re: minimal manuals
From: "Michael F. Steehouder" <M -dot- F -dot- Steehouder -at- WMW -dot- UTWENTE -dot- NL>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1993 14:10:38 WET

Some literature on minimal manuals:

Carroll, J.M. (1984) Minimalist training Datamation 30/18, p. 125-136

Carroll, John M. (1984) The minimal manual Human-Computer Interaction 3
(1987-88), 123-153

Carroll, J.M. (1985) Minimalist design for active users In: Shackle, B. (ed.):
Interact '84. First International Federation for Information Processing Conferen
ce on Human-computer Interaction. North-Holland, Amsterdam, p. 39-44

Carroll, J. (1986) The adventure of getting to know a computer Computer,
15/11, p.49-58

Carroll, J.M. (1990) The Nurgberg funnel: designing minimalist instruction for
practical computer skill. Cambridge MA: MIT Press

Carroll, J.M. & Mack, R.L. (1983) Actively learning to use a word processor
In: Cooper, W. (ed.): Cognitive aspects of skilled typewriting. New York, p.

Carroll, J.M. & Mack, R.L. (1984) Learning to use a wordt processor: by doing,
by thinking, and by knowing In: J.C. Thomas & M. Schneider (eds): Human
factors in computing systems. Norwood NJ, 1984, p. 13-51

Carroll, J.M., Mack, R.L., Lewis, C.H., Grischowsky, N.L. & Robertson, S.R.
(1985) Exploring exploring a word processor. Human computer interaction 1,

Carroll, J.M., Smith-Kerker, P.L., Ford, J.R. & Mazur, S.A. (1986) The minimal
manual. Yorktown Heights NY: IBM Research Center, Research Report no. RC
11637, #52295 (88 pag)

Carroll, J.M., Smith-Kerker, P.L., Ford, J.R. & Mazur-Rimetz, S.A. (1987)
The minimal manual Human computer interaction 3, p. 123-153. [=Carroll e.a.
1988 in Doheny-Farina]

Ard Lanzonder & Hans van der Meij (1992): Towards an operational definition
of the minimal manual. Techn. Rep. IST-MEMO-92-02. Enschede: University of

Ard Lanzonder & Hans van der Meij (1992): The minimal manual: Is less really
more? Techn. Rep. IST-MEMO-92-03. Enschede: University of Twente

Hans van der Meij (1992) A critical assessment of the minimalist approach to
documentation. SIGDOC'92 Conference proceedings, p. 7-17.

[Papers of Lazonder / Van der Meij to be ordered from the authors: University of
Twente / PO Box 217 / 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands.
Email: Lazonder -at- EdTe -dot- UTwente -dot- NL]

Hope for more from others!

Michael F. Steehouder
University of Twente
PO Box 217
7500 AE Enschede

M -dot- F -dot- Steehouder -at- WMW -dot- UTwente -dot- NL

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