Re: English only legislation

Subject: Re: English only legislation
From: Tim Pera <uusr656!tim -at- UU2 -dot- PSI -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 1994 16:24:36 CST

> Some persons wish to pass legislation saying that English shall
> be the official language of the United States. I believe that
> one effect of such a law would be that the store in the story
> above would not be held liable.

> What do my fellow tech writers think about the US English debate?

> LaVonna Funkhouser
> lffunkhouser -at- halnet -dot- com

>> I think such legislation deserves serious consideration, but I am sure
>> it won't get an open-minded hearing. Too many people will be able
>> to make too much political mileage simply by shouting such proposals
>> down. --Jim Venis

Yeah but Jim, you don't say why the legislation deserves serious attention,
or what "serious attention" is. If it's a run through Congressional hearings,
I suggest we cool it until the issue goes off the richter scale for more
folks that merely the anti-cuban crowd in Miami or the xenophobes in southern
California. Besides, what practical purpose would it serve to make English
the OL? If it serves no practical purpose, why is it (or should it be) on the

Tim Pera
tim -at- pbs -dot- com

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