ICON '94 in San Diego

Subject: ICON '94 in San Diego
From: Jim Grey <jwg -at- ACD4 -dot- ACD -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 1994 16:17:05 -0500

Gentle people,

Some time ago I made a post similar to this to the list, and got some
responses. I post it again in case new subscribers who happen to be going to
ICON '94 are interested as well.

Are you going to ICON '94 in San Diego, 18-20 April? Are you interested
in meeting other techwr-l people who will be there as well? If so, email
me at jwg -at- acd4 -dot- acd -dot- com; I'm trying to organize a dinner meeting.

jim grey
jim grey |beebeebumbleandthestingersmottthehoopleraycharlessingers
jwg -at- acd4 -dot- acd -dot- com |lonniemackandtwangin'eddiehere'smyringwe'regoingsteadyta
jimgrey -at- delphi -dot- com|GO/M d p+ c++(-) l u+ e- m*@ s+/ n+ h f++ g- w+@ t+ r- y+(*)
|ACD, Terre Haute, IN -- The Silicon Cornfield

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