Re: Acronyms, initialisms, etc.

Subject: Re: Acronyms, initialisms, etc.
From: Dorothy Champlin <champlin -at- KODAK -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 09:19:22 EDT

Abbreviations are formed by shortening or contracting words or phrases,
as in ETC. - abbreviated form of ET CETERA.

Initialisms are formed by grouping together the first letters of two or
more consecutive words. Initialisms are written without periods as in
PTA, and cannot be pronounced as a single word.

Acronyms are initialisms that can be, and are, pronounced as one word, as in

Hope that helps.

**** Dorothy Champlin, Technical Communication Specialist, CESD *
*** Eastman Kodak Company E-mail: champlin -at- kodak -dot- com **
** 343 State Street voice: (716) 781-1857 ***
* Rochester, NY 14650-0705 fax: (716) 724-1032 ****

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