Re: Finding out if anyone:

Subject: Re: Finding out if anyone:
From: Doug Fettig <DFettig -at- NYD -dot- LEGENT -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 16:46:00 PDT

Shelly La Rock
larock -at- tycho -dot- arh -dot- cdc -dot- com wrote:

"What kind of incentive should readers be given to respond? Why
does it seem like you have to give someone something--a gift, if you
will--to do you a favor? I wouldn't mind seeing something like
a postage-paid reply card, but I certainly don't expect a
drink holder with a company name on it, nor do I want one."

I no longer freely give information to a company.
My opinion formed after a 15 minute phone survey I did
once for NutraSweet. The phone rang just as I was leaving the
house and I was kept there 15 minutes, being grilled about
just how much I really liked NutraSweet, whether I liked their
commercials, and whether I really did believe NutraSweet
caused cancer, headaches, and gall bladder
problems...or whether that was Aspartame that caused those
pesky problems. I gave that company valuable time and

Now I ask how the information will be used before I
answer any survey questions. Our career is based on
communicating information; why should we do it
for free or for a dubious purpose?


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