Re: Docs not tested etc...

Subject: Re: Docs not tested etc...
From: Richard Frampton San Rafael California 415 472-3100 x3413 <FRAMPTONR%RIVER -dot- decnet -at- CANADA -dot- CA -dot- CCH -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 13:50:00 EST

Saeed-- Do you realize that you may have come up with the ultimate justication
for tech writers demanding the same rate of pay as programmers?

That if we do what we do "online" that equates the activity with any other
facet of programming. This should include CBT, instruction and graphics. And
all ought to be compensated at a similar rate.

As Information Developers, Instructional Designers and tech writers or whatever
you call it, we are entitled to the same remuneration as any other guru.

Why not?

--Richard Frampton
San Rafael, California
(framptonr%river -dot- decnet -at- canada -dot- ca -dot- cch -dot- com)

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