Re: spelling- just do it!

Subject: Re: spelling- just do it!
From: "Lori A. Moreland" <lamorela -at- CLE -dot- AB -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 08:55:30 -0400

I was going to refrain from making a gift of my opinion, but I can no longer

About "simplified spelling":

George Bernard Shaw was big on this. One example that I recall is spelling
"fish" as "ghoti" or something like that. Anyway, my $0.02:

Just learn how to spell! All you have to do is memorize some rules. It's so
easy! When I learned French, no one was there to simplify spelling for me. I
had to remember circonflexes, accent agues, extra letters that did not
necessarily equal sounds, etc. Not easy, but I did it for love of language.

So, just do it! When I read that passage about Ben, I was too busy telling my
brain that "sole" was the wrong spelling of "soul", and that it had nothing to
do with shoes. Cognitive noise!

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