Re: Why kids can't write well -Reply

Subject: Re: Why kids can't write well -Reply
From: Glen Accardo <glen -at- SOFTINT -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 1994 09:49:50 -0500

Les Klein writes:

> A proposition is something one should never end a sentence with.

> It is very poor style to ever split an infinitive.

I recall reading a host of those. If I'm not mistaken, they were attributed
to William Saffire.

1. Remember to never split an infinitive.

2. If any word is wrong at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.

3. Avoid cliches like the plague.

4. Proofroad!

5. Always proofread to see if you any words out.

Any more to this list?

glen accardo glen -at- softint -dot- com
Software Interfaces, Inc. (713) 492-0707 x122
Houston, TX 77084

Did the Corinthians ever write back?

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