Masters Programs

Subject: Masters Programs
From: Kimberley Lackey <97372509 -at- WSUVM1 -dot- CSC -dot- WSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 08:05:14 PDT

To all technical writers who have Masters degrees:

I recently had a question presented to me regarding getting a masters in tech-
writing. Being a lowly soon-to-graduate undergraduate I hadn't thought too
much about getting a masters degree quite yet.

If any of you professional sorts could recommend some good graduate programs
that would be useful to a technical writer I would appreciate it. I am also
intereseted in finding out which schools have these programs.

On another note, my husband is a mechanical engineer and is on a
mech-e listserv. While reading over my husbands shoulder last night, I read a
note by another engineer who was threatening to quit the mech-e listserv
because he felt mechanical engineers were being way too serious and stuffy.
After following some of the humorous subjects on the techwr-l I am glad to
know tech-writers aren't too serious and stuffy!

Kimberley Lackey
97372509 -at- wsuvm1

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