time for a new thread?

Subject: time for a new thread?
From: Anne Halseytechwriter <ach -at- TOMICHI -dot- STORTEK -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 09:58:58 MDT

Happy Monday, whirlers.

At the risk of starting a flame war, I have to say that
we seem to have run out of relevant threads. While I
admit to being mildly amused by some of what has floated
into my mailbox of late, I am quite disappointed by its
seeming lack of relevance to technical communication.

In the interests of starting a lively debate, I propose a
new (and, theoretically at least, relevant) topic:

Do you think STC (or some other "official" body) should
be certifying technical communications professionals?
Relevant subtopics of discussion:

- Is TC a profession, or just a job?
- Given the wide range of "stuff" we do as TCers, how
would/should certification work?
- Should/could there be "grades" or "classifications" of
certification? If so, what should they be? How should/
could we differentiate between skill levels?
- What should we call ourselves (again, given the wide
range of stuff we do and industries we do it in/for)?

I apologize in advance if this thread has already been discussed;
I've subscribed to this list for fewer than six months.

Anne Halsey
senior tech writer, storagetek
anne_halsey -at- stortek -dot- com

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