ok, more pet peeves

Subject: ok, more pet peeves
From: Tina Sansom <kms -at- PLAZA -dot- DS -dot- ADP -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 08:25:49 -0700

Ok, I'll jump into this thread.

I hate the incorrect use of the word "impact."

Impact is a noun, at least according to my dictionary. "My third grade
teacher had an impact on my life." My third grade teacher did not impact
on my life. Nor will these priority changes impact on our schedules. They
might, however, have an impact on our schedules.

Another variation that drives me nuts: "Priority changes impacted on our
schedule last month." AAAAHHHH!!

The only things that are impacted (wedged in a tight place) are items
such as wisdom teeth.

There. I've had my say.

Tina Sansom "You see, it takes all the running you can do, to
kms -at- plaza -dot- ds -dot- adp -dot- com keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere
(503)294-4200 x2326 else, you must run at least twice as fast!"
--Lewis Carroll, _Through the Looking Glass_

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