On-Screen Editing and Full Screen Monitors

Subject: On-Screen Editing and Full Screen Monitors
From: Bruce Faron <bfaron -at- NETCOM -dot- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 1994 19:45:21 -0800

Re Gregg Roberts comments on On-Screen Editing and Full Page Monitors:

When I purchased my computer system, I sought out and purchased used a Sigma
Designs Laserview Monitor/Graphics card set. This monitor is worth every
penny I paid for it. Resolution: 1664x1220x4grey shades. The monitor guts
were OEM'd by Displaytek, Inc. My monitor and card are almost 6 years old,
and still going strong. Sigma Designs (now Sigma Designs Imaging Systems
(SDIS)) still sells the successor to the Laserview, the "Multimode". It is
available with a matched graphics card that supports either 120 dpi
(1664x1220) or 150 dpi (>2000 xapprox.1600) resolution. Excellent for print
preview. They also continue (as of the last time I logged in) to offer
updated Windows drivers for older graphics cards on their bulletin board.

SDIS has recently developed and is supposedly now producing VGA-compatible,
accelerated 8-bit (256 grey shades) graphics cards for the Multimode that
will supposedly be electrically compatible with the Laserview. This card is
available in VLB and PCI bus formats, and has drivers for Windows 3.1, 3.11,
NT 3.1 (I am not sure about NT 3.5). I plan to buy the new card soon.
Bruce Faron
Technical Writer/Editor

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