question about term - wild card

Subject: question about term - wild card
From: Bob Morrisette <Robert -dot- Morrisette -at- EBAY -dot- SUN -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 12:19:32 -0700

A call for help....

I have to explain (per our specs) a "wild card" search for a software manual
(I won't use the quotation marks in my document), but when I started looking
up the spelling I ran into a dead end. I can't find the correct spelling
anywhere. It seems strange that this word is not found in the dictionaries!

I have looked in the Following dictionaries:

"Webster's II New Riverside University Dictionary"
"Oxford American Dictionary"

and also in "The Random House Thesaurus, College Edition"

So, my question is: Do we spell it "wild card" (two words) or "wildcard"
(one word)? Or is there a better term altogether?


Jane Bergen
janeb -at- answersoft -dot- com
janeb -at- iadfw -dot- net
M-Webster Collegiate 10th and Webster's New World both
say wild card. I think that the term is understood
by most people.

Bob Morrisette
writer -at- sabu -dot- EBay -dot- Sun -dot- COM

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