Re: Telecommuting

Subject: Re: Telecommuting
From: "<Pam Owen>" <powen -at- MAIL2 -dot- LMI -dot- ORG>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 1995 14:39:00 EST

Michael Uhl says:

> In general, being out of the loop is the biggest problem for someone
> working from home. The other is obesity. ;-) It's hard to stay away
> from the damned refrigerator.

Actually, I like being out of the loop - and all the office politics that go
with it. I'm better staying as far away from office gossip as possible, since I
find the corporate culture of most companies to be stifling and I've got too big
a mouth to fit in nicely with those trying to work their way up the corporate

As an emplyoyee, being onsite would probably be important for bonding with other
employees, keeping up on company-specific news, and, again, working your way up
the corporate ladder. As a consultant, however, I find that I'm best interacting
with clients the way I eat rich desserts (this picks up on Mike's other comment
about obesity) - often, but in small doses. Of course, Ambrose Bierce is one of
my favorite authors, and I want to be a curmudgeon when I grow up.;~}

Pam Owen
Nighthawk Communications
Reston, VA
Nighthawk1 -at- aol -dot- com, or powen -at- lmi -dot- org

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