Re: Anon and other list restrictions

Subject: Re: Anon and other list restrictions
From: Nora Merhar <MERHAR -at- ALENA -dot- BITNET>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 1995 16:46:35 CDT

I really don't see any reason why anyone would need to post anonymously to this
list. It's not as if we're discussing our sex lives, or bitching about the
companies we work for. In the year or so I've been on this list, I've never
seen anything that I thought would get anyone into trouble.

I've also heard that "you shouldn't put anything in e-mail that you wouldn't
write on a postcard." Even if you're posting anonymously, if someone is
determined enough, I expect they can find you.

I find anonymous postings annoying, and am suspicious of them. If you ask a
question on this list and post anonymously, you won't get an answer from me.

I am FOR restricting this list. After all, many lists are moderated, or actually
have a cap on the number of people allowed to subscribe. This list would still
be more open than those.

Nora Merhar
merhar -at- edsvcs -dot- switch -dot- rockwell -dot- com

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