CFP for National Distance Learning Conference (LONG)

Subject: CFP for National Distance Learning Conference (LONG)
From: Chuck Banks <chuck -at- ASL -dot- DL -dot- NEC -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 09:26:24 CST

From: "Lisa Farquharson" <farquhal -at- ccmail -dot- orst -dot- edu>

Call For Presentations
Distance Education Conference
Sharing the Experience III:Beyond the Rhetoric
extends this CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS to the National Distance Learning
Conference, at the Portland Marriott Hotel March 3-6, 1996, in Portland, Oregon

This conference will provide a variety of forums for professionals involved in
the broad field of distance education to exchange practical strategies, ideas
and information within eight practitioner-identified priority topics. The
primary aim of the conference is to move us "Beyond the Rhetoric" to examine
practical, proven solutions and approaches to the questions and issues presente
by the topics.

Who Should Attend?
Community college, K-12 and university administrators and faculty involved in
providing distance education. Business, government and military personnel
interested in distance education to enhance workforce training and professional
development for employees. Representatives from K-12, community colleges,
universities, business and government interested in using technology as a basis
to improve programs. K-12 administrators and teachers interested in exploring
the uses of Distance Education in school improvement.

Please note that there are 8 major presentation categories, with sub-topics. Yo
are invited to respond to either the primary or supportive topic.

1.Increasing Student Learning through better instruction: How are we improving
teaching and learning?
yTeaching on live TV: techniques for providing exciting quality instruction
yUsing learning style information for teachers and students
yDeveloping effective teaching strategies for distance learning
yInstructional design for distance learning
yAssessing student achievement in distance learning classes
yStudent successes: strategies that work
yDesigning time and place independent courses
yHow distance education helps on-site courses
yTraining faculty to be distance educators

2. The changing culture of education: How is distance education contributing,
both on and off campus?
yK-12 reform and distance learning
yThe changing role of faculty in this changing educational world
yTechnological advancements: Blurring the lines between on and off campus
yRole and expectations of Cooperative Extension in university distance educatio
yHow community colleges work together to deliver distance learning.

3. Marketing to more than one market
yHow to deal with lack of boundaries
yHow to compete for enrollment without "stepping on toes"
yMarketing to international markets
yUsing telecommunications research to overcome outdated views of distance

4.Introducing the campus community to the educational quality of distance
learning programs
yAssessing quality
ySuccess criteria for distance learning programs
yYour future role as a faculty member in a distance delivery era

5.New roles of accrediting agencies

6.Student services and library resources for distance education: Premises,
expectations, realities and delivery mechanisms
yElectronic delivery of learning resources
yUsing telephones and fax machines to score assignments, access information
yHow libraries will cope with integrating Internet

7. Assessing cost effectiveness: Distance Education becomes accountable!
yFunding models for distance education
yRoles of offices of financial management
yModels for making judgments about cost effectiveness

8.Use of multiple technologies: What's the right mix?
yUsing three or more media in one course
yRole of multi media in distance education
yPotential of fibre optics...and beyond??
yRemote site management: Models for liaison and communication

will be a part of the evening receptions at DLC III. See details under "Review
and Selection Criteria."
yGetting started in distance education
yModels of distance education organization (on or off a distance education
yUsing Internet
yModem education

The Program Committee will evaluate proposals for presentations on the followin
1. Relevance to the conference theme (Will it take us "Beyond the Rhetoric"?)
2. Provides practical solutions to the contemporary issue or problem addressed
3. Potential for engaging participants in dialogue/exchange of views
4. Fosters creation of new networks and connections among people, organization
and systems.
5. Presentation will incorporate appropriate media and technology.

PRESENTATION SESSIONS are 75 minutes in length. Presentation of information an
materials should NOT EXCEED 45 MINUTES of this time, leaving 30 minutes for
participant interaction with the presenters.

POSTER SESSIONS are informal presentations featuring successful solutions to
problems and innovative projects. They are particularly useful for presenting
ideas which are still developing. Presenters may use graphics, tables, charts,
handouts and other visual representations. Poster sessions are interactive and
will be scheduled during the evening receptions. Proposals should follow the
same format and provide the same information as presentation session proposals,
but should also include a sketch and/or samples of graphics or display layouts
you will use. A 4' by 8' free-standing presentation board will be provided. U
to 15 Poster session displays may be accepted.

Individuals selected to present a session, or prepare and display a poster
session will receive a $75.00 discount on the conference registration fee. Thi
discount is limited to two co-presenters per presentation session, and one per
poster session.

To Submit Presentation:
Please use the following as a guide for the information that is needed for a
complete application for presentation submissions.
1. Major presentation category topic number(see listing above)
2. Presentation title.
3. Presentation Summary (200 - 300 words)
On a separate page, please provide a presentation summary that includes the
yGeneral scope of topic
yPractical applications & solutions
yGoals and objectives
yParticipant outcomes
yReferences as applicable

4.Lead Presenter (contact person)
(Please list additional presenters on a separate page. Include same informatio
as for lead presenter.)

Proposal Submission Information
All proposals should be sent to:
Dr. Dan Dunham
DLC III Conference Director
327 Snell Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-1633

Proposals may be submitted via e-mail to: distance -at- ccmail -dot- orst -dot- edu or via FAX
(503) 737-2734. NOTE: We prefer proposals be submitted via e-mail. Directly
entered e-mail text usually translates best. For additional information call
Lisa at (503) 737-5238 or Dan at (503) 737-1287. The proposal submission
deadline is firm: December 8, 1995! We'll see you all "Beyond the Rhetoric".

Acceptance Agreement
Upon acceptance of this proposal by the Program Committee, I agree to submit a
to 5 page abstract by January 31, 1996 to be published in the Conference

(For e-mail proposals, enter the above message and date, followed by your e-mai
address in lieu of signature.)

Here's a quick preview
The full conference program and registration form will be mailed in early
January. It will include presentation descriptions, keynote speakers, plenary
and special sessions and other events. You can expect over 40 presentation
sessions; keynote speakers; panels; and of course, the opening symposium on

Sunday, March 3
1-5 pm - Symposium "The Changing Culture of Education: Implications for Distanc
Education Now and in the Future.
5-7 pm - Opening Reception & Poster Session.

Monday, March 4
18 Presentation Sessions
2 Keynote/Plenary Sessions
Reception & Poster Session

Tuesday, March 5
18 Presentation Sessions
1-2 Keynote/Plenary
VIP Reception for conference co-sponsors

Wednesday, March 6
6-8 Presentation Sessions
Closing Keynote and Summary Session
Exhibits all four days

Registration Information
Conference Registration:
$295 received by 2/8/96
Presenter Registration:
$220 received by 2/8/96
Pre-Conference Symposium:
$35 received by 2/8/96
Late fee:
$50 for registration after 2/8/96

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