Re: Radical idea

Subject: Re: Radical idea
From: Will Kelly <willk -at- TIAC -dot- NET>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 09:47:26 -0400

Having worked in the documentation group of a training firm, I could not
help from
commenting on this topics

Mark L. Levinson wrote:
> I've never seen a company where the writers were great comrades of
> the trainers. The trainers are affable glad-handers who couldn't
> care less about correct language.

Trainers and writers *can* be different animals. The biggest strain I
saw between writers and trainers was that trainers didn't see the
writers getting up in front
of classes. So in the eyes of some trainers, "the writers didn't know
what it was really like."

Also, trainers didn't see the writers being as technical. I say if a
writer has the gumption and aptitude to do some stand-up training they
should go for it. I took a few turns in front of some classes and
learned a lot about my audience and how the training course I developed
ran in front of live people. While I would never want to
be a trainer, developing a course and then teaching it taught me lessons
I would have
never learned sitting behind my PC.

Will Kelly
willk -at- tiac -dot- net

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